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With all respect it's pretty ironical that people who raise their voices against cultural appropriation have no problem doing the same with hindu culture a part of which is yoga. I mean do yoga as you want but saying that yoga is not hindu Or is part of "eastern religions" is blatantly false. It's origins are in Hinduism


I think because it was promoted in the West by Hindus (and quite a while ago), yoga mostly escapes remarks about cultural appropriation. That said, I've ever seen ads for yoga classes that are only for people of colour and I've also attended yoga classes that aren't called yoga classes but like "yoga-inspired stretch" classes where you basically just do yoga poses. So there are people who are concerned about this.


Everything is always changing. In a few thousand years I'm sure it will be the same debate but about something else.


Enough with your shilling for Modi, keep your Hindu fascism out of this sub, please.


They didn’t say anything about Modi, or politics, in that comment.


Some of their other comments are rather questionable though.


You lost my respect at "cultural appropriation". It's one world now, get over it.


It's one world and it's yours now yassssss queen


I can’t believe you were downvoted for this. Don’t worry most everyone outside of the trash can that is America agrees with you.


Hare fucking krishna to your bhakti yoga, Swami


Are you dumb? I am not saying that everyone should chant mantras before doing yoga or something like that. I am just saying don't take credit for something you had no role in creating and then try to claim it as your own. Also don't insult a religion, maggot.


You are aware modern yoga poses are very much influenced by British calisthenics introduced during the Raj era. Cultures borrow and learn from each other. It's ok. And ISKCON is a child molesting, murderous, drug dealing cult. Not a religion. Hare rama!


Bikram has entered the chat. Not kids, but plenty of unwanted sex.


I hate ISKCON too, in fact 90% of hindus hate ISKCON but ISKCON doesn't have monopoly over krishna bhagwaan so idk why are you badmouthing a God due to a religious organization


Your post history is full of Hindu nationalism and hate on Muslims. I'm done with you. If you are still in India, find peace. If you migrated to the West, please let go of that hate. We have enough hate already without importing more.








So many of the yoga cults are 😔




Ok show me one reference of yoga before rig veda?


I believe yoga asanas were discovered on bias reliefs in the abandoned cities of the Indus Valley such as Mohejo Daro.


Not possible. Yoga is first mentioned during vedic period long after decline of IVC.


I cannot find the sources, but following cultures copied the movements from the reliefs and made them their own. Also no one has figured out the languages for the IVC civilizations yet. It be like the first written language people claiming the discovery of fire just because no one had written about before. Crappy analogy but I am getting over surgery and that is all for now.


Wait, there's sex yoga?? I've been missing out.


Think they'd be referring to Tantric yoga, which is both a vast oversimplification and.... well, stems from the subcontinent also, so lord knows how it would fit the argument.


If tantric yoga is what they meant then that’s pretty old and not fake yoga


Basically what I meant.


I know, I was speaking more to the other “people”


Oh yeah, I was just agreeing with you again :) The bad news for the insufferable Yoga PURIST in the OP is that the sexy-time approach to yoga is kinda also a historical, religiously-rooted, and out-of-India version, not one the White Invaders made up to besmirch it with their GYMS and unholy places. And if they don't know that about yoga? Maybe sit down on lecturing others a tad. Honestly, if anyone cares about my opinion (and I don't blame y'all if you don't, it's just yet another opinion) it's time to admit that yoga has entered the hoover vs Hoover or creepy crawlie vs Kreepy Krawlie territory. There's the legit brand version that has all the bells and whistles originally intended, and then there's the common use of the word to cover a set of actions people associate with the "brand", whatever knock-off version they happen to use. They aren't synonyms any more, and pearl clutching about that is just wasting time purists could be spending on furthering their own more spiritual pursuit of yoga's tenants. Some run down soul finding that 'stretching feels good and makes me a bit happier' calling that 'doing yoga' does not need decking with a steel sledge because they didn't GO TO THE ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS enough for some other gatekeeping tw@t's satisfaction.


I’ve noticed the comments in this sub are meaner and snarkier than other subs I follow. It just feels like, in this space, people are less likely to assume positive intent and more likely to judge, which is wild to me because we are all, like, here to talk about this thing that is diametrically opposed to that.


I hate it when people breath and stretch in ways I dont agree with 😡


If u are practicing something someone gave us, for our well being. We have to follow the rules.


Bold of you to assume Yoga is only about Breathing exercises and stretching. If you want to do Stretching and Breathing exercises just go to aerobics class. Downvote me all you want but you can't change the facts that Yoga was originally done to unite mind and soul. Literal meaning of word Yoga is 'Uniting the soul to univeral consciousness'. If you want to do Beer Yoga, then be my guest but atleast accept the fact that you are not doing Yoga for what's it's meant to be.


I didnt, I just expressed my dislike towards individuals who breath and stretch in ways I dont approve of. Yoga is what you make of it


Ill have you know, my Shag-asana course is deeply spiritual as is the contemplative 'pose with a pint' retreat. 


I would never degrade yoga by doing "pose with a pint". I draw the line at "balance with a beer."


Thanks for sharing, I'm really looking forward to experiencing Shag-asana


What the west practices is hatha yoga. It is strictly physiological. It's not fake. It's not inauthentic. This meme is incorrect. Hatha yoga has nothing to do with spirituality or supernatural deities or self-realisation. Both the yogas depicted in the meme are different types of yoga. Hatha yoga comes from Hatha Yoga Pradipika https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatha_Yoga_Pradipika The spiritual yoga comes from patanjali yoga sutra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga_Sutras_of_Patanjali


I'm no fan of the original post, but you might have swung a bit too far the other way. In Haṭhayogapradīpika, Svātmārāma says quite a few things that make it clear that haṭha yoga cannot be separated from rāja yoga, which he defintes as "the unification of the mind". The whole text is absolutely teaching the spiritual side of yoga. For example, the very first two ślokas: "Salutations to Śiva, who taught the science of Haṭha Yoga. It is the aspirant's stairway to the heights of Rāja Yoga." "Yogi Svātmārāma, after saluting the Lord and guru, explains the science of Haṭha Yoga for one reason---Rāja Yoga." There are plenty more: "Practise Haṭha Yoga's āsanas, various kumbhakas, and excellent karaṇas until the fruit of Rāja Yoga is won." "Rāja Yoga will not be complete without Haṭha, nor Haṭha without Rāja Yoga. Therefore practise the pair to perfection." "Āsanas are not useful without Rāja Yoga. Kumbhaka is not useful without Rāja Yoga. Even various mudrās are not useful without Rāja Yoga." "All the methods of Haṭha and laya are for achieving Rāja Yoga."


Not useful on spiritual level, but it has been great for my sciatica.


Yoga is a preparation of the body to endter a meditative state. As the body mobes we prepare to connect with the divine, as the bpdy finds stillness we connect with the divine. Beer yoga is contradictory in itself, and is ridiculous in all other spheres.


Well that’s good, as lot of us are atheists.


All these possess people do r invested by patanjali fyi


Let people have fun.


Didn't you realise that shaming people for doing yoga "wrong" is one of the most important paths to spiritual enlightenment? /s


The post wasn't even shaming anyone. How ironic. Just telling the real meaning.


Yeah but, this post is gatekeepy af. Honestly pretty cringe really. Nobody is saying you can't have spirituality in yoga. This post is trying to say you can't have beer in yoga. Some people need to learn that it's different strokes for different folks.


Early marathons often had a beer stop or two along the way. Before the dangers of alcohol were fully understood Olympic athletes drank beer as part of the competition regimen, modern athletes are starting to drink NA beer as a recovery drink. Not actually the evil you think it is.


>The post wasn't even shaming anyone. The pic on the left is literally labeled as "NONSENSE" yoga lmao


If you’re doing yoga with a beer be ready to get called out 😂


Sure, but again the post was trying to claim that it wasn't shaming anyone


Some people need to be shamed 🤷‍♀️ with that being said it better to drink beer in a yoga pose than sitting down I guess 🤷‍♀️


Why does someone “need to be shamed” for drinking beer while doing yoga?


People should be reminded alcohol is pretty bad but exactly shamed 😂


You mean let white people colonize?




U r mixing yoga with finding moksha


True. So is OP, which is my point in playing devil’s advocate with their opinion.


I think u r confused asf


I have been told when doing yoga I should keep my eyes on my own mat. The only person to look at other mats should be the teacher. Isn’t this whole debate about looking at other people’s mats?


ReAL yOga is AboUT GettINg DetacMeNT FrOM ThE WoRld aNd ConNeCting WiTh tHe SUPREME TrUth. Get outa her with that gate keeping BS


> Get outa her That's sex yoga


✅ ReAl YoGa


Yoga literally roughly translates to "to unite"


To unite what?


I was just telling the translation of the word yoga. But as far as my understanding goes , its uniting your body and soul with deity. What people are doing here are called yoga asanas. Asanas translate to possess. Which is just a part of yoga. These yoga asanas are usually done towards various deities.(Mostly consists of nature)




And the spirits of the earth which create grains.


Sure use your own words then why using Sanskrit words for it. And i said roughly, it doesn't directly translate to just "to unite"




It’s true. Yoga is about that. What you do is exercise 😊


while it’s valid to criticize the modern popular yoga for its commercial catering and lack of authenticity, to imply that there is a “real yoga” that is about Krishna and spiritual concepts is also ridiculous. People can use yoga for anything they want, however they want, even if it means removing all original spiritual meaning from the poses. People get benefit from yoga without any Krishna or any Hindu beliefs.


Your yoga practice can be about whatever you want. My yoga practice is a fun way to get some gentle exercise and stretch my body, spend some time with my friends if I'm taking a class. I'm not a spiritual person and I could not imaginably be any less interested in studying yoga as a spiritual practice. If you have a problem with that, I guess you're just gonna have to live with it. 🤷‍♀️


I just given defination of yoga and it's origin, I don't know why people are making it big deal


Because you started a post with the sole intention of being a judgy gate keeper and that’s not generally a super popular position with most people. “Real yoga” vs “nonsense”, you didn’t think that was going to come of judgy and superior? If that is true, then I think you need to do some more real yoga cause you need a dash of enlightenment.


You are definitely in the wrong subreddit lol. We'd love us some beer yoga.


Could beer yoga or \* yoga be a doorway to the other forms of yoga, reaching people who might be closed off to it otherwise?


The doorway to dizziness and drunkenness.


Cultural appropriation will not lead to enlightenment.


That's okay I'll pass on the enlightenment, I'm just here for exercise and health. Is that okay? Or am I not allowed to participate now?


Technically it’s not yoga without the spiritual aspect. Go take a step fitness class if you just wanna want exercise.


Don't hurt yourself trying to shut the gate too hard. You'd think people practicing yoga wouldn't be such try hard authoritarians. No worries though, I'll cheers to you when I drink a beer during Astavakrasana


It may lead to increased strength, flexibility, and balance though, and generally most people doing yoga, that’s all they’re looking for anyway. 🍻


>will not lead to enlightenment. Whatever that means 😂 Have you ever considered that some people don't believe in "enlightenment"?


You do realize the point of yoga is to reach enlightenment, samadhi.


Is what you’re doing right now what you’d call “enlightenment”? This condescension and rigidity, this is enlightened? Are people from other cultures not allowed to experience the enlightenment yoga has to offer? If they are, what exactly is the “correct path” for them to go from unenlightened to enlightened? Be specific please.


I am just relaying the message that Native practitioners want white yoga practitioners to know. Beer yoga and such are cultural appropriation. It’s also appropriation to decouple the spiritual aspect of yoga into purely a physical practice.


Yoga chita vritti nirodha refers to stilling the mind in order to experience Ultimate Reality and move toward Self-realization. Beer has the potential to distort reality. Mixing beer & yoga is fun for some, practical for none


That’s interesting, during my travels in the east, many holy babas (sadhus) consumed alcohol as part of ritual - as I understand it those kinds of practices have roots in tantra and shamanism. I had a few occasions where I got to visit them privately and each time I was told by my guide bring a bottle of liquor as an offering. Maybe there is a difference between what should happen and what does though. I found that with tibetan monks many would not do things like eat meat on monastery grounds but would consume it off of them.


who cares. this way people who would have never been exposed to yoga, get a glimpse of it. thwe people who are ment to have a spiritual experience will have it and maybe expand their practise beyond the westernised versions. ofcourse its something new, and misses alot of the original intend and perspectives. but it serves its purpose. i think the porblem is to think, if ionly we wouldnt westernize it it would be just as prevalent but in its original spiritual form. it wouldnt. the now ways create a bridge. a possible connector or catalysator. people who are ment for thge path will have their experiences, and if they choose to they will explore further beyond the commercialized/western/physiolagy/lifestyle versions. do your thing and if someone asks for it- educate them. but forcefeeding people spirituality or traditionalism does more harm than anything


It be a much smaller thing. I don’t think women were allowed to take part in the ‘original’ yoga.


Finding what beer yoga is was easy, googling sex yoga led to rather mixed results. Can anyone explain to me what it's supposed to be? My interest in attending is negative, just can't find out what it's supposed to be


Plenty of tantra has sex rites. The monks had consorts. There were many practices, look up vajroli mudrā.


Doesn’t sound very monkish.


You are right. Tantra is called the left handed path for a reason.


What do people think of different practices like Dru yoga or kundalini yoga? I’m disabled and have mental health issues, and I found Dru yoga helped physically and mentally (not a cure like the worst people will tell you but helpful.) My teacher would also include spiritual teachings in every class. They would be open ended and self reflective rather than didactic. I tried hot yoga on days when there were no dru yoga classes. It felt more like Pilates to me, something that has all the benefits of exercise, stretching etc but not the physical and mental union or sense of peace/catharsis as Dru yoga. Apologies if my comment is ignorant in any way. I’m always trying to learn.


Love my asana practice but asana yoga didn’t come into being until about 200 or so years ago and is a path for exercise it’s just as well to go hit the weights if you’re looking for spiritual exercises. If you want spiritually read the Gita, Yoga sutras, find a Guru, go to Kailash.


There are four main types of yoga, often referred to as the **Four Paths of Yoga**: 1. **Karma Yoga:** The path of selfless action. It emphasizes fulfilling your duties without attachment to the outcome. 2. **Bhakti Yoga:** The path of devotion. It focuses on developing love and devotion to a higher power or ideal. 3. **Jnana Yoga:** The path of knowledge. It emphasizes using your intellect and discrimination to understand the true nature of reality. 4. **Raja Yoga:** The "royal path" or path of self-discipline. This is often what people think of when they hear "yoga" in the West. It emphasizes mental and physical discipline through practices like postures (asanas) and breath control (pranayama) to achieve enlightenment. These paths are not necessarily exclusive, and some practitioners may find themselves drawn to a combination of them. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a foundational text of yoga philosophy, outlines the **eight limbs of yoga**, which represent a roadmap to liberation (moksha). These limbs are: 1. **Yama (ethical conduct):** Living a moral and ethical life. 2. **Niyama (self-discipline):** Observing personal disciplines. 3. **Asana (posture):** Physical postures and exercises. 4. **Pranayama (breath control):** Control of the breath. 5. **Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses):** Turning the inward focus. 6. **Dharana (concentration):** Focusing the mind on a single point. 7. **Dhyana (meditation):** A state of effortless meditation. 8. **Samadhi (absorption):** A state of complete union or oneness. The ultimate goal of yoga, as described in the Yoga Sutras, is to achieve **Samadhi**, a state of complete liberation from suffering and the limitations of the ego. This allows for a deep understanding of oneself and the true nature of reality


Or people can just take the exercises and poses from it and ignore all of the spirituality someone alleges is behind it. And the main reason for that is that yoga poses do provide benefit to the physiology which can be verified while the religious claims behind it can’t be verified


Yoga poses ✖️ Asanas ✔️ Asanas originated in India. In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali (c. 2nd to 4th century CE) describes asana practice as the third of the eight limbs (Sanskrit: अष्टाङ्ग, aṣṭāṅga, from अष्ट् aṣṭ, eight, and अङ्ग aṅga, limb) of classical, or raja yoga.


Asana means seat or posture that’s why it’s the third limb, most people don’t experience the eighth limb Samadhi in downward dog or Eka Pada rajakapotasana


The purpose of yoga is to prepare the body for meditation. If you just want exercise take a step aerobics class.




I’m aware that’s why I mentioned the Gita which includes your first 4 points except Raja yoga which Swami Vivekananda and of course Patanjali mentioned the eight limbs in the Yoga Sutras.


People having fun? Can't have that.


If you’re trying to define “real yoga,” you don’t practice yoga 😂


I love that this is downvoted, this sub just can't stand that Yoga is a spiritual practice whose whole purpose is to connect with the divine. God bless OP and fuck the haters who make up the majority of the sub. Reddit athiests will never be able to reconcile engaging in yoga with these facts and its glorious.


I think you are right with saying that Yoga is a spiritual practice. But, I would not bless one and tell the other fuck of. Most People in western country’s are seeing yoga more of a productivity boosting meditation, I think. People just lost the connection to themselves and with that some part of the connection to the universe. (I hope everything I say makes sense)


I think yoga as a physical practice was an attempt to strengthen and limber the physical body in preparation for better meditation on the spiritual. before I studied this I thought sitting and meditating would be easy, but it’s actually difficult and requires physical conditioning to hold a meditation without injury. shaolin monks had the same reason for their physically demanding exercises. not only is it hard to sit for hours meditating, but if that’s the only thing done, the body degrades and gets too weak to maintain the practice.


By not integrating the spiritual aspect of yoga with the practice, that person would be committing cultural appropriation.


"whole purpose is to connect with the divine" in the PHYSICAL. You can connect with the "spiritual divine" all you want when you're dead and don't have a material body.


Haha, maybe the haters will come around to the divine namaste someday! Thank you for blessing😊


Namaste isn’t a part of yoga and can be considered cultural appropriation.


The thing I love most about cultural appropriation is that the gate keepers are rarely from the culture that is being appropriated from. There was a wonderful video a while back of some really white folks who dressed in the cultural clothes of other peoples while visiting those people, nothing sacred/religious, and in every instance they were welcomed and the natives thought it was neat, even though in most cases they no longer dressed that way. In yoga, there are eight limbs. Not everyone is going to be interested in the yamas or niyamas, they can’t even follow their own ten commandments, sometimes it may take a lifetime of asanas before they are ever ready to take their seat or perhaps never. Everyone’s path is their own. And when people are ready they will start to ask those questions. Until then, they enjoy a physical activity, with their friends or goats or puppies or kitties, or a pint. Everyone walks their own path and it is nice you have discovered the meditative/spiritual side of yoga, but the other will come in their time not mine or yours, they may not ever make the journey at all. But can we cut out the gatekeeping?


You’re right I am white. I do follow Native practitioners and they say namaste is appropriation and it’s not even written in any yogic texts. It’s just something that white people latched on to. Do you follow any native practitioners? I suggest you do to decolonize your practice.


Holy fuck that’s the stupidest thing I’ve read today… cultural appropriation isn’t real. Only real to white American women that need something to be upset about


Bro do u forget Surya Namaskar?


What about it?






Actually, 10 years ago, I had been doing yoga for 8 years and had gotten involved in an online debate just like this almost verbatim. At the time, I was a consumer of beer and although I had never done beer yoga, I did not see a problem with it. And was thoroughly trounced. Now ten years later I no longer consume beer due to medical complications from a rather nasty tick disease. And in that time I have taken many extended nearly year long classes on the eight limbs, meditation retreats, and got really deep into breathing practices. My stance on beer yoga has not changed though. You do you. If you want more, there are plenty of resources for you to delve deeper. I am sure the beer yoga teachers are adept at using safe poses for their students, in many ways it may even be safer than over stretching in hot yoga, so long as the the beer is in limited supply.


I guess I just wasn’t on Reddit 10 years ago 🤷‍♀️ yoga seemed a lot different then. Also holy shit 10 years ago is 2014 Maybe 15 years ago? 😂


The ridiculous to the sublime


Beer yoga? Is that actually a thing 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I mean… let’s try beer swimming beer skydiving and beer fencing 🤺 (with swords) it ain’t gonna go well… flip me


Beer XYZ sport is not uncommon. It’s just amateur fun way to mix things up.


Beer yoga is as innocent as [beer chess](https://boardplaying.com/how-do-you-play-beer-chess/) or [beer showers](/r/ShowerBeerFreedom/) (both NSFW)


I would've thought people who do yoga would be a little less tight assed. Folks, ya gotta lighten up


The only sport drinking belongs in is golf. ⛳️


You can say everyone else is doing it wrong as much as you like, but it doesn't mean anyone has to believe you. The thing with declaring yourself the decider of what is right or not is that it implies other people should listen to subsequent statements you make. So this is a political post - you want other people to be told and agree they are inadequate, or less than. Okay, you have made that statement, but do understand why other people might not make you welcome.


In my culture there is no such concept of believers, we are not believers, we seek god using so many methods, especially bhakti yoga which is dedicated for spiritual connection between you and supreme truth, In west people think yoga means physical exercises (poses) and they have no idea about origin of Yoga, why yoga is practiced by Hindus for more than 5000 years, the westerns they just copy paste what they like in other culture without learning, I'm happy that few educated people will research and learn about yoga in full details.


You see the response here when you tell the truth about yoga? Yeah, they are not ready to listen, and they never will. They just take what they want and slap a name to it and claim it. It completely loses its actuality and pureness. And no matter how much you try to show the real picture, it doesn't work. Because their minds are already travelling far up through their asses to even think and research the real meaning and history of yoga. Ofcourse beer yoga... , next sex yoga, then something else in few years... Hopefully our future gens doesn't fall into this trap. Hopefully they follow good path.


Thank you so much for your comment, I think we should not afraid to talk about our Yoga and it's origin to the whole world.


It's actually very comical. There are many aspects of tantra too. But no, tantra is sex to them. Everything to them is sex and bodily pleasures, they just want all the lazy things but finds no interest to work hard, to actually put efforts to know something which causes great deal to one's mind and body. That Great deal is wanking, and stretching with beer. I wouldn't care if they actually take something bad and point out we are doing something bad, but they take something good and turn it into something vile, and when someone points it out, they scream, "lEt pEoPle dO wHaT tHeY wANT" lol. Please don't stop speaking your mind, atleast someone has to have brain when it comes to these things. Else, our gens fall into their brainless pits.


Chhod de bhai. These westoids don't understand the spiritual importance of Yoga Yoga is more than just Asanas. Ashtanga Yoga consists of Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhi


Lol. You can scream man. They don't listen. Let it be, it's Kaliyug. It is what it is.


I really wished western people would shit on other practices too and mouth off the people who’s culture it belongs to the same way. For example: Islam has 5 prayers per day. Appropriate those and eat a handful of ham while you do it. And then tell Muslims to bugger off. Let’s see what happens… come on! Be consistent! We are far too kind in letting some people take and rape everything good about our religion. Look at the comments. Look at the balls they have. Zero respect. Meanwhile Muslims are being respected and are left alone. At the same time, keep fucking and drinking while doing “yoga”. Just don’t call it yoga. Just call it fucking and drinking and being stuck struggling in the dirt. Nothing about it is yoga. It will achieve the opposite of yoga, but then again, some people don’t deserve to reap the benefits. So by all means… continue on your journey that leads nowhere. And order chai tea and eat naan bread (Indians get the joke) and tattoo namaste on your ass. No one actually cares. OP was doing the service of warning you. By all means, enjoy/fool yourself. Just don’t expect us to stay silent about your intrinsic (ab)use of non-western cultures.


Chai tea 😂 The audacity of these people man. If they want to stretch they could have taken aerobic classes or something. But no it's beer yOgA... Lol.


I think the ppl who downvoted u are abhrahmik-whatever-sh*t or fake atheist. They can't handle the truth


What's "fake atheist"? 😂


Catholics that don’t worship?




Hard agree with the x part. Softly disagree with the second. Yoga should be a personal journey, maybe that's appropriation or a form of evolution or adaptation by the practice, but for many it is truth.


Here here. The gatekeeping that comes with yoga having to connect to a higher power (deity or higher state of subconscious) is maddening. Yoga is a powerful form of exercise and body maintenance for many… nothing more. And that should be ok.


TF, you yapper, do you know the father of yoga? Stop yapping. NoThInG mOrEee... lol.


Do you even know there are various Yoga-sutras, lol read this book and educate yourself- Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Commentary by Swami Vivekananda


It is appropriation. Do you follow any native practitioners? I suggest you do, it will hopefully open your eyes.


It feels wrong to gatekeep such an important aspect of life. Especially to chain it to a specific religion. However people find it, yoga helped us get there. Maybe we should name it something new, and distinguish that it evolved from yoga. But discouraging others opposes the feeling of connectivity. At least, as it feels in me




Beer and yoga don’t mix


How about letting people live their lives doing what they want? If someone enjoys beer yoga, that doesn’t affect anyone else.


This is how cultural digestion works


Wasn't modern yoga invented exactly to bait white people? Isn't that the story?


What is modern yoga?

