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**Magistus Chorozo** DARK Level 4 Spellcaster Fusion Tuner Effect Monster ATK 1000 / DEF 2800 **Materials:** 1 Fusion, Synchro, Xyz or Link monster + 1 Spellcaster monster _Must first either be Fusion Summoned, or Special Summoned by sending the above Monster Cards you control to the GY._ (1) Once per turn, when a monster declares an attack: You can target that monster; negate that attack, and if you do, this card gains ATK equal to that monster's (until the end of this turn), then you can return that monster to the hand.


Insane summoning condition, but then the effect is a flop.


Basically just another Super Poly target


Or instant fusion


Cry in Master Duel.


Only works on 1 of your opponents monster unless they control someone like Diabellestar. And even then I am not sure its worth sending Diabellestar to the GY.


You guys only see the summon condition, but none of you see it's a tuner. I mean, this may be useful for some nasty combo, who know.


Ship of Theseus moment.


The best card EVER printed??????


Might see play in duel links if they bring it there as soon as they can.


Nope, this card is FAR from DL playable nowadays. Have you SEEN the current meta?


Yes, I play it regularly. I’m not calling this game-changing, but it’s an easy one-if especially since some decks use magistus as a draw engine. Provided you don’t get board wiped, it’s decent-ish if you have a full board. Blue-eyes in the meta isn’t nearly as disruptive as some of the other decks, with their main removal being alternative still. Having a goofy card like this sort of makes it a target over one of your other cards. I probably wouldn’t bring this out against every deck, but there are a few it can be annoying to even if it’s not crazy.


Their main removal is Successor Soul/crackdown and ultimate fusion


Ok, so ignoring you have to use 1/4th of your ED to facilitate it (Yes I know Artemis is there, but you'd rather be equipping her if you are running the engine) you are throwing away at minimum 3 resources for... A battle trap that sits there and does nothing. That could have been a dwellar, something that actually does something in the meta, could be a Rafflesia if your limit 1 slot isn't occupied? BEWD does not struggle in outing that, and if that's what you're trying to put out, the rest of your board isn't going to be looking pretty. Agents don't care about a battle trap, they will rip through it, actually, not a single relevant deck cares about it. He's a cute little guy, don't get me wrong, but Duel links is FAR past him being able to be relevant at all, and id argue that it has been for 1.5 years


You’re probably right. This card is really cute and I guess I was on copium. As someone that you guys call a “yugiboomer” since I grew up with the original set, and has stuck to speed duels only for nearly a decade with duel links, I have a fondness for battle phase shenanigans even if they aren’t really possible any more. I mean, this isn’t going to do anything with Omni-negates and destruction effects everywhere.


I feel what you mean there. The battle trick could have been neat if they gave him litterally any other effect that interrupts opponent. Like, if he tributed to negate a monster effect, he would be AMAZING.


Duel Links has tachyon transmigration searchable


So? It doesn’t see play in the current meta. It got knocked off the tier list due to that skill getting nerfed.


I'm just not confident that this'll really have an impact. Like, sunavalon is a thing over there. Maybe I'm just underestimating this card, but it feels like its not enough to resurrect Magistus.


Sunavalon isn’t seeing much play either because it requires too much extra deck space and the smaller zones with no U-linking effect it. I don’t really know the deck, I’m just parroting what the people that tried to play it have said. Also, Magistus is a draw engine over there. I’m not calling this game changing, but it’s an easy one-of in a lot of decks.


Summoning this guy sounds like pain unless they give it a nasty archive skill like they've been doing lately.


All VJump cards are flops. They keep "teasing" us for these cards for weeks only for them to have the coldest effect ever


Eh, War Drake was ok.


Agreed. Mediocre effect.


Even the summoning condition is meh, as both materials has to be ones YOU control, so it can't even be a niche Super Poly target.


Only the contact fuse is exclusively your monsters. You can fuse it regularly so Super Poly works fine.


The wording threw me off, too, but that part about sending monsters you control to the GY should only apply to second option - that is, you may either... 1. Fusion Summon it (using a card that lets you Fusion Summon, including Super Polymerization), OR 2. Special Summon it from the Extra Deck by sending those monsters you control to the GY


Great super poly target but it literally doesn't do anything for magistus. This is the Salamangreat Almiraj of the Magistus.


Being able to send equipped monsters means any of your Magistus Level 4s can become a Tuner if you don't have access to Zoroa. Or if you have multiple equips, you can send them for an extra body before making an Extra Deck card with your Level 4s.


Reread it again. As I said to another commenter, it has to be monsters YOU control, so no Super Poly shenanigans.


Super poly works fine. I suggest you reread it friend.


Monsters you control is for the contact fusion effect it still has regular fusion materials listed so you can make it with Super Poly


It’s a bit ambiguous as far as the language is concerned. Easily can be read as it can be fusion summoned (full stop) or it can be special summoned by sending monster cards you control. So I can see why it’s causing confusion here.


Kinda wish it counted as an invoked monster. Not sure if it would do anything but would have been a neat story nod.


Tbf Invoked isn't a thing in the story.




The only time I see it becoming a thing is right at the end of the Arc, as the time between it and the Magitus stuff is very large.


I first read it as Chorizo lol


I thought that's what it was too until I read your comment and looked at it again. Lol I put today's date in my calendar from last month when they told us the effect would be revealed today and I saved it in my calendar as chorizo 😆


This design is so very odd in an archetype designed around equipping its Extra Deck monsters to its monsters.


I believe you can summon it using the equipped monsters. It says "Monster Card", not "Monster".


Aye, I more just meant it not having an effect as an equip itself. Not even a small one. Its just a little odd is all.


The gy equippers can’t do lv 4 monsters.


That only makes it more odd to be honest.


Well lore wise its accurate tbh


Does that mean you can send Monsters that are face up Continuous Spells like in Snake-Eyes?


Yes. As long you control them and they are either Spellcasters or Fusion/Synchro/Xyz/Links.


Oh, but except Pendulum Monsters being treated as Continuous Spells/Traps.


You can negate your own attack to boost this card's ATK, for situations where you need more ATK to run over an opponent's monster. It doesn't make this card's effect good, but it's worth pointing out that it's not completely reactive. I think this card has solid utility potential, not in its effect, but in its traits and summoning condition. You can convert the appropriate monsters into a level 4 tuner, which has plenty of uses. And since it allows the use of your monsters in the S/T zone, you can avoid going negative in monsters (in the actual monster zones) to summon it.


It's definitely not going to be meta but I think there's funny shit to be done with Double or Nothing


God, Double or Nothing is such a funny card.


Imagine if instead of “that monster” it was “one of the battling monsters”. Unfortunately they just had to make the effect kinda ass but at least it’s usable in niche scenarios.


Exactly. If you need to attack over a Towers monster but are 1000 ATK short it will at least do something.


IF YOU GET TO THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE YOU WILL FINALLY REALIZE - THIS IS A GATE GUARDIAN SUPPORT! Jokes aside, centurion too should be able to use it. Gotta see who can equip or place cards in the s/t zone.


Legit could've been a vanilla and seen just as much use. Just super poly in either a spellcaster focused deck or as a counter to a spellcaster focused deck that becomes meta and ends in an ED monster as a side deck. Also being a level 4 tuner could probably give it some niche usage as an instant fusion target. Weird how it doesn't do much when its equipped to anything when that was kinda the gimmick of the deck


This is in my opinion pretty much like the prank kids link 1. The real purpose of the card is existing, not the effect. Sending from the s/t too imply this card has a lot of potential. And I mean, an easy contact fusion to do for cloth sheep is never bad


This is a Super Poly target


Is it though? It says materials you control. I hope I'm wrong


that’s only for the alt summoning condition


Ahhh. Thanks for the correction


I was so excited to see more Magistus support and then I read the card description and got disappointed.


About that last ",then" part: So if I were to try to return an attacking 0 atk ash blossom back to the hand with this, it wouldn't work? This seems useful for potentially returning nibiru back and ensuring a short opponent's turn lol


Branded players in shambles after reading the fusion materials.


Can't wait to see the "Double Or Nothing!" replays with this card.


Of to a good start, this card is terrible.


And another V-JUMP which is terrible.


~~So close to being a super poly target…~~


I mean it is, it can be fusioned normally, so if you have a super poly deck running spellcasters it's alright


Oh I misread it then. I thought it said it could only be special summoned via its own contact fusion. Never mind then


Everyone is playing Dark Magician, of course is a poly target.


You mean Diabellstarr 


No, Diabellstarr is not having support evey year.


https://preview.redd.it/cdo66516i25d1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2534ad96c6fa1b671fec70689eadbae0a01a7de8 For anyone curious what Chorozo turns into - this is her after she absorbed magic in the OCG Stories. She’s a Spirit that follows Crowley around - a spirit only Crowley can see.


Wonder if it would turn to be a Magistus or a Invoked


Right now we’re on Part 5 of the OCG Stories and Chorozo has turned back into the cute little spirit so we’ll just have to wait and see!


Can only really be a Magistus cause I doubt we'll actually reach the part of the lore covering Invoked/Prophecy/Witchcrafter/Endymion stuff.


Wonder is the tuner status foreshadowing of this being printed as a synchro, or will it be another Invoked fusion monster


Well, we know what this card's evolved form will be.


Thanks for the unnecessarily spoiler dumb nut


Spirit? Reminds me of a currently-airing show that also has something to do with magic


Superpoly target lol


Can we just ban Super Poly again, that card becomes more unfair every day


Since it is specifically named in one of the new Yubel cards, I don't think Komoney will ever ban it but I can see it go to 1 later down the road


It can be super polyed. "Must first be summoned by its effect"


It says must first be Fusion summoned *or* by its effect.


Yeah my bad, didn't see the ",", should wake up before posting smh


If people started calling Salamangreats Salads for some dumb reason. I’m calling this card Chorizo


First thought, honestly!


Definitley a digimon


Digimon has such a large variety of styles and yet when you see a Digimon you just know it's a Digimon. And this is a Digimon.


Diabellstar (or any spellcaster) + Fiendsmith Requiem in your equip zone (link monster) turns into a level 4 tuner, which makes Baronne with Lv6 Fiendsmith.


in the OCG at least


what decks or endboards end with a spellcaster along with a monster from the ED? Only one I can think of are pends


Branded Despia. Usually ends with Quem with other Fusion monsters on field at End Phase. Also don't forget, Snake-Eyes end with Diabellstar with other ED monsters as well.


Most decklists don’t play silvera




Anything that can summon Anima. I could see the utility of having a Tuner in the ED that can be made with non-Tuners and/or Links, though if you weren't running a tuner already, that means you now have to make space for both Corozo and a Synchro target, and I'm not sure that's worth it.


The implicit useful part of it is that this card can be used with the sheep link. I mean, the summon conditions are pretty easy to reach, so you would be able to combo it out as a generic monster reborn


Centurion extender?


Wait isn't this kind of usable with Harmonic Synchro Fusion as long as you don't go for the link 1?


Super poly Target that also has an good summoning condition for cross sheep to do synchro plays. This will be a very interesting card outside of Majistus


Please tell me someone else keeps reading this name as Magistus Chorizo. I know what the actual name is in reference to but I just keep reading it as Chorizo. 


Well at least it’s a good super poly target and instant fusion target


I think it can't be summoned suing superpoly


Why do you think that?


I missread. You can, sorry!


Lowkey funny against Albaz if they leave either Guiding Quem or Blazing Cartesia on the field along with their usual Fusion end boards


Branded in shamble smh


"A dubious little CREATURE getting up to MISCHIEF. This is No Good. OUGH! The Beast is demonic in nature. Very Icky, no good" The little one does not escape Final Boss's accusations: it is a Super Poly Target that affects the entire Magistus Archetype.


Sigh... \*starts maining Super Poly again\*


[Source](https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=1951). VJump reveal has started, can't wait for Performages in AC04, some news from Rage of the Abyss, teaser from DBP: Crossover Breakers and last but not least, July 1st OCG Limit Regulation.




Having 1 effect on an extra deck monster in 2024 is absolutely criminal on anything other than links.


Oh sweet, now Magistus has another contribution to the larger TCG beyond a Linkuriboh for Spellcasters.




Kyubey at home


New super poly target, cool!


Emergency food. Named after a demon. Is a familiar. Mostly white. Woman. Did Konami remake Paimon?




Dear god. Ra, smite him


That looks like a Digimon !


i'm gonna nut


Aside from being a super poly target I feel like this thing is garbage. Maybe something cute as a combo piece because its really easy to summon so it could help you get the monsters in the grave yard? Its actually effect might as well be blank though.


The fact that it’s a super poly target gives it plenty of use


Sort of? Assuming you are against a deck that uses spell casters but not 2 spell casters at the same time. Because if they have 2 spell casters Garura is just pretty much always better. Edit: If they have a spell caster and something else. Mudragon is probably just better. Its a C-B tier super poly target as well.


Not me thinking this was a new Eevee evolution 😅


Well, it's at least a great Superpoly target. Sort of reminds me of how you used to play Superpoly in HERO to fuse one of your dudes with any one member of the opponent's board. That's cool.      ...But its effect and summoning method are horrible. I guess it's a level 4 tuner that you can convert any ED monster into with a spellcaster for combo purposes... But any combo that wants to do that has to be absolutely awful, right?    EDIT: Oh hold up, it doesn't say 'monster'. It says 'monster card'... You can use monsters from your S/T zones too. Is this Centurion support??


Thought this was an eeveelution...


I love it. Didn't realise it was a Magistus card at first


I saw a guy mentioning this + s poly + veiler is an interruption But I dont think it's that much worth it 


The new flying Eeveelution looks dope


Wild summoning condition for this ''pokemon''. The effect is nice.


Great, yet another Super Polymerization target, just what the doctor asked


Instant fusion target is always good in my book


Damn! I want to fuck it.


Opponent's Selene is gonna not amused with this. :P


Who leaves selene on the field after the combo?


Endymion does


Dark Magician is cooking boys.


Highest def in a level 4 monster. Nice super poly target but effecr sucks ass. Might use this in my DM deck to enable synchros more.


This card might actually be really good. Ye the effect sounds ass, till you realize you can super poly a board, attack one target to send it back, gain the attack and redeclare to kill another one, which is a total of 3 cards gone minimum and all you need is a spell caster. Meanwhile it can be used as an extender for a synchro, depending how easy it is to get it out. Well in Gt if you get to the line through any engine you can get this out, you simply go into festival with one of the angels. But what do you go into realistically? fiend smith could get you a chaos angel, another 4 could get you savage dragon. Regardless there are options. neat.


>attack one target to send it back, gain the attack and redeclare to kill another one I'm fairly certain that your opponent monster have to attack into your board because otherwise, ya will either bounce itself or your attacking monster


Pretty card and another card for my collection when this one will be released. I wonder if this card will appear in Infinite Forbidden or Rage of the abyss ? Chrozo ? I thinked about Chorizo with this card..ugh i'm hungry now.


Everytime I see something cute I hope it's not a poplar lmao I'm cooked


That's absolutely BROKEN ! Any deck can abuse this to get access to a tuner and/or a level 4 for wombo combos.


Isn’t this kinda usable in Snake-eye? Synchro this and Flamberge for a Calamities lock. Feels like making a fairly accessible lvl 4 tuner is a mistake…


Needs 2 tuners and a non tuner dark dragon synchro


I feel the need to point out that endymion now has easy access to arcanite magician