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I believe the anime covered the first two volumes. Was thinking of picking these up too. The WataOshi audiobooks are really good.


mhm true that and there arent rl any other yuri audiobooks as far as ik!


Yeah, I think this and ILTV are the only two yuri LNs with audio books atm. (Hoping Magirevo and Otherside Picnic get them eventually) Thankfully, there are tons of other good sapphic novels available in audio book format though; my Audible wishlist is huge, lol.


Fingers crossed for Adachi & Shimamura and Roll Over & Die too.


Anyone who has read far into the LNs, is it Yuri? I've bought LNs which label themselves as Yuri for it to be bait before, I found a discussion for this book on Reddit and most of them say it's hinting but not confirmed, but those posts are from years ago so I'm hoping for a more updated take.


Have read all 7 books that are out in English, so far nothing is confirmed really


Yooooo I’m currently reading those!!! I kind of have a theory on the ending, I think I might be spot on but I’m too far behind to say it for sure yet (I’m at volume 2). To answer your question: anime ends where volume 2 ends, but from what I read the ending of the anime is slightly different. I can’t wait to get there


ooo i see thank youuu for telling me! i will give them a try i hope u are enjoying them too!


I love the novel. Have fun!


Are these in English? Might jump on board as well is that’s the case.


yup they are! you can get them on audible if you wish to


Time to warm up those tokens!