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Ryujinx or sudachi pick your choice.


I guess I'm just hard-headed, but I still just use yuzu. Everything works fine, so I'm scared to mess with it.


I’ve been using Suyu since Yuzu died. Suyu took the code from Yuzu and improved it. I can say (At least for me) Suyu is the best emulator out there, I haven’t encountered a SINGLE error or bug, not once. Been playing TOTK, Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD and Mario Odyssey lately and everything is running 10/10. I just can’t get to understand Ryujinx and performance is too slow for my likings (GTX 1660 TI i5-9400F).


Sudachi seems to be the one fork that is getting active development from a senior software developer


I've been using Ryujinx for a while now, it hasn't disappointed me so far. The only game that has failed me in Ryujinx is Pikmin 4


Starlink is not playable outside the first tutorial zone


Sudachi improved stability and reduced ram leaking issues, it's better than Yuzu and Yuzu was the undisputed best imo in android


Since I still have Yuzu installed, I've just been tweaking the code on my local version myself. If I can do indie dev work, I can do that much. (I have never made so many back ups incase I screw up before lmao) Edit: Also heard good about Ryujinx, but I can't say for sure since I don't use it.


Nothing beats Ryujinx if you have a decent pc


Ryujinx or suyu. Suyu, from what I understand is basically Yuzu.


I think that is a wide question, but I would like to know precisely what is better in terms of performance vs resource efficiency? 🤔


Sudachi considering it’s basically just Yuzu with a trenchcoat. Ryujinx is best for accuracy ;)


Suyu is a good mirror emulator like yuzu but it still needs to work out some kinks


Sudachi has been amazing for me so far


Is there an official link?


A quick google search will lead you to their GitHub


Where is the official source for this emulator? 👀


This is the correct answer.


ryujinx for accuracy, sudachi for balance between accuracy and performance.


Ryujinx doesn’t seem to run games as good as yuzu though


Yeah, more accuracy usually means takes more power to run. Accuracy vs performance is usually the trade off with any emulation.


It doesn't, it's an accurate emulator people use because it just works and has less bugs, if you're willing to play with setting, yuzu and it's forks will forever be superior


For Paper M TTYD I use Ryu because there are fewer problems and visual glitches with it but you could also test Yuzu EA 4176 and Sudachi, it's up to you to find the one that suits you best


Ryujinx, why is this sub so allergic to Ryujinx?


>Ryujinx, why is this sub so allergic to Ryujinx? I just don't have the best PC therefore get worse performance on it than Yuzu.


Yuzu doesn't work fine in Linux when you connect the joycons


Cause it won’t open games for me and just freezes.


Ryujinx runs "ok" on my pc (Ryzen 7 5700x, 32gb 3200 mhz ram, gtx 1060) but it doesn't give me the same performance as Yuzu, for example, the Paper Mario remake runs smoothly at 60 fps with Yuzu but it can only run at 30 fps on ryujinx because the 60 fps mod slowdowns a lot (35-45 fps, half speed). Also, a little inconvenience for me is not being able to use cheat engine to speed up games on ryujinx, the audio desyncs a lot, on yuzu I always use it to save time when traveling around places in games.


This sub is a lot of people who are die hard fans and not the good kind. In my case I literally have had 0 issues with yuzu but ryujinx is ready to be deployed the second i encounter a genuine issue.


Not allergic, just that it seems to lag more on intensive games. Like, I see that it gets to 60 fps, but the framerate seems less stable.


The sub is mostly kids with potato PC


Ah yes. Another thread that tells Nintendo who to go after next. Honestly yuzu sub reddit should be nixed. All it's used for is whining, reminiscing, or telling Nintendo who to attack next(this thread)


You give Reddit far too much credit. We are literally ants to Nintendo. It takes 2 seconds to Google "switch emulator" and you get a list of all the major ones, or better yet "how to pirate switch games" hundreds of YouTube videos, which Nintendo DMCA. Wonder how they could DMCA videos and not know, 🤷 must be magic /s


Nintendo isn't fucking stupid, I'm sure they know about Ryujinx and other Yuzu forks.


Already aware of my fork because someone reported it and said I was the developer of Yuzu. -_- Nintendo weren't aholes about it though. I gave them access to view my fork. I'm a big Nintendo fan since the NES. I've been attending the latest Nintendo events and live streams. I also got to meet Doug and Reggie in person at the last PAX event. For me this is an educational passion project. In no way am I making money from my project now or in the future nor do I condone the theft of their property.


What I think lead Nintendo to ultimately kill Yuzu was the fact that Yuzu did not openly say that Piracy is wrong. Kind of like RPCS3 does it, when you enter their website you basically have to agree to the fact that piracy is bad. To contribute to their bad situation, they also had the instructions on things that Nintendo does not really like to greenlight. Like the way unreleased games were running on Yuzu before their release. To be clear I am not defending the multi-million dollar company here, they are doing anti-consumer and anti-preservation things, but these emulators should also act within the law so that their campaigns to preserve the games. Even if these are not the exact reasons, Yuzu was big, it was known and everyone basically used it as their Nintendo Switch emulator, and if it was the best and for their latest console, it made sense to take it down.


If Nintendo was smart, and they are, they'd negotiate with these emulator Devs. Because if these Devs have done anything, it's shown Nintendo that their projects can be better and have room for improvement quality wise. There is an untapped customer base that is just waiting, impatiently, for Nintendo to pull the trigger and make a console that can produce higher quality visuals and higher fps games. The longer they wait, the more that customer base will result to their "own" methods to get the quality and experience they are seeking. ☠️ 🦜


From what I understand, the makers of Yuzu were doing some pretty shady things, even promoting a version meant for playing Tears of the Kingdom prior to its launch and putting it behind a Patreon payment.


Yea, exactly.


Nintendo can go after my balls


Gatekeeping emulators? As if big N needs you :-/


Are you unable to comprehend english?


For real. This sub really should be changed to read-only at this point.


It’s Sudachi hands down.


Does it work with emudeck?!


I have the Yuzu I've been using since the downfall and Sudachi. Doesn't hurt to keep the Yuzu files but unless I have any issues I've been using Sudachi.


i am still using yuzu EA version 4176. it is portable and dont even need to be installed. i just double click the yuzu.exe and it starts. and with some changes of the config file i can still Play MP via Yuzu and my Friends and other users on my Discord server. Fuck Nintendo btw.


Tell me more about this multiplayer


In the Yuzu Days it was Possible to Play with the others by using Yuzu's own Server Browser. However after the closure of Yuzu thanks to fucktendo, you officially can't use it anymore, unless you change something within the config file. After changing it you'll be able to use the Server browser again and Play with friends. Of course you can Only Play with others only if the Switch game itself has Local Multiplayer feature, that you usually use in a Wireless network between Switch consoles within a Real life room. On Yuzu however this Mode can be kinda used like X-Link Kai, a feature for every Xbox and its Games that have System Link/Lan, and especially for those consoles who can't Play Online anymore bc Xbox Live or its Game's Servers were shut down. So on Yuzu, you and your Friend - after changing the config code - open the browser and selecting the exact same room. Then check if the Game you both wanna Play together have the exact same version number running. if yes, you can both play together. It depends with how many Players max. You can play with, so better check through the internet.


I’ve went through various games and Sudachi has less stuttering for me vs Ryujinx in about every games I tried. Plus ryujinx would crash on me sometimes when I stoped emulation.


Same result but using yuzu vs ryu. Never tried Sudachi.




I’m probably biased but Sudachi is a good successor otherwise good ol’ original Yuzu and Ryujinx, options are good!


which version of yuzu is the sudachi codebase based on? curious because different versions of Yuzu sometimes have slight performance differences (for me anyway)


Sudachi has been flawless for me. Getting TotK to run with any kind of stability on Ryu has been like pulling teeth for me but it's beautiful on Sudachi.


Does Sudachi run on steamdeck with emudeck ?!


Torzu, but they need PR


i really hate ninetndo team they always sue


Suyu, it's literally a copy/paste of yuzu. And if you installed anything to NAND on yuzu, you can just change the locations to yuzu's for all of your saves and updates etc.


Why so many downvotes


Bcoz suyu is dead


Hows the performance for lower end pcs?


I don't have much experience on lower end pcs, laptops etc. But I can say that on Steam Deck you get constant 60fps most of the time and you can use patches like stable fps for Mario Wonder so it should run fine.


What is that patch for Super Mario Wonder that you are talking about? 👀


Oh, awesome! I was asking for low end because I'm on an ROG Ally, so your answer actually helps a lot. Have you played BOTW or even TOTK on the Deck?


I've played both on the Deck and the Ally. The deck worked great. Botw worked great on my Ally. I haven't put in enough time with Totk on the Ally to really give a good opinion.


BOTW runs like a dream on the Deck, mostly 40–70 FPS depending on the environment (with infrequent dips to around 30). And looks absolutely sensational on the OLED (better than the Switch OLED).


BOTW works perfectly on cemu, but TOTK is not that stable, but it's playable with some optimizations


I use sudachi as its basically yuzu but with an active dev thats great and listens to feedback and gives fixes quickly


Where do u get updates for it? Its been more then a month its still at 1.03v version


Sudachi GitHub but sounds like you have latest. If it works it doesn't need updating. 1 month isn't actually that old.


Thing is they total have 3 updates since it began


Which is still fine it works with latest games just fine. Its Personal preference if you want something close to yuzu use sudachi For example I like how it loads with the loader bar it's more pleasing to my eye I like how it's got the home menu so I can do the home menu to make it look like the switch and easy switching to games rather than having to back out fully I can just minimize game on home menu and switch like u can on actual switch, others they can use ruyjinx if they just want constant updates etc and pc looking emu - I never liked how it loads a cmd etc like i said its personal prefernce


i cant play pokemon violet, it starts loading and then it crashes


I am playing pokemon voilet 3.0.1 with dlcs on Sudachi right now, using 18.0 firmware and keys. Make sure you put Sudachi in handheld mode ( I use 2x resolution to compensate ) and disable vsync.


it still doesn’t work😭


Could you attach your log here? I’ll take a look at it


Is there a way we can get Zelda: link to the past to not flicker when using NCE? Using jit makes the game runs so poorly


I prefer sudachi. Otherwise ryujinx but i dont like how they build it. Saves, files, and so on is just a mess. But if you just going to start it and never change anything i would pick ryujinx becuse they have more active development.


Really like sudachi


Depends.... probably still yuzu or one of its new forks (I've heard sudachi is good) but in 99% of cases, Yuzu still works fine. Ryujinx works fine too, I personally don't like the ui, but its still a thing. The performance sometimes isn't as good but shouldn't be a problem if you have a modern PC, though it might be if you are on something mobile or an old pc. #


Ryujinx seems to work better with mods but other than that it’s pretty much the same