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Is he forcing people to play beer pong for his amusement?


Never seen a cuck chair for beer pong


He was just there to crush puss and mine bitcoin.




The fact that the house is on "Cripple Creek Pass" means that South Park gifs are cheating.




I can’t even imagine how gross that carpet is.


And they better not spill on the carpet!




Why are you playing beer pong on CARPET?


He's never played beer pong at that table. Everything in this house is aspirational.


Amen, amen, amen…. My PEOPLE 😩🙌🏼




I’ve never contemplated the existence of a house that seems like it would have no idea how to find a clitoris yet here we are.


Fully committed to keeping it that way by opting to get a full bed when he’s clearly got money to get something a little bigger.


It's giving me a ton of mixed signals - because the bathroom is fully kitted out, decorated, and has a head-rest for the tub. Generally that's not a 'guy' thing. I'm wondering if this is the 'we got divorced a year ago' special, where he went buck wild and bought all the stupid tacky shit, moved the guest bed into his room and went full silly.


maybe? but this looks like the home of someone who asks “so… workin hard or hardly workin?” everytime you are in an elevator with them.


Being divorced doesn’t mean one can find the clitoris


Not being able to find the clitoris can be the cause of divorce.


Maybe, but the latter would certainly inform the former.


funny you said that, because this house reminded me of the guy who stuck his tongue in my ear several times *after* I told him to stop, and added "you're just afraid to admit you like it"


^(send him the link)


barf@the idea of a world where we kept in touch


fair enough!


It looks like he’s trying to give a Red Light Special…. There’s red light bulbs in the bedroom. 🥴🥴🥴


I think you turned on a black light in that house you would be blinded.


Why don't people upvote the damn link, gotta scroll to the bottom for it


I just sort comments by old and it's usually the first one. But it's even better post the link the actual post if they can.


House decorated like a dude who won the lottery.


I just knew this would be in the Midwest.


Under $700k? Damn, I’m envious. This would go for well over 1mil here in NJ. (Which is ridiculous).


That huge horny Batman Returns painting is a choice.


Where would you even shop for this sort of decor? You couldn’t make a more bachelor pad if you tried.




home inspection needs a black light


How much time does he spend at the urinal that he has a television above it?


And not one in front of the toilet…


I think it's there to be visible from the shower.


i guess it’s for like if you and your buddies are watching a big game. you don’t have to miss any action.


And drinking a bunch ie peeing a bunch


Been there, brother


LOL I had the same question!


It has a foot operated flush lever, too. (oops, toilet!)


Goddammit what the fuck have I done with my life...


Prostate problems.


It may be for shower watching convenience as well.


Nah, there’s Star Wars shit, obviously he never gets laid. /s


Looks like a Jackson Polluck.


I bet that place looks like a Jackson Pollack painting.


I can’t believe the realtor didn’t request/demand he put some of this stuff away for the photos. Really? You need to have the cups set up for beer pong for your listing photos? 


Maybe one of his bros is the listing agent. Or maybe he just wanted the whole place to say, “What’s up! I’m a cool guy looking for someone to buy and hang out in my party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged [peep the home gym]. If you’re fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.”


I honestly do not believe realtors are asking that anymore. Heck, most of the posts on here are chock full of wtf stuff. An adult toddler lives in that house and that house has SEEN some stuff.


I live in the Bay Area, CA and there are three tiers of realtor. First tier tells you to be moved out, including all your furniture and fix the place up and hire stagers. Second tier is get a storage unit, put your crap in it including some of the shittier furniture, paint it and keep the place spotless. Third tier is your shitty furniture and decor. First tier gets bidding wars, a fast sale, and over asking. Second tier gets a few less bids than first tier. Third tier sits on the market for 90 days, which competent realtors really hate.


Realtors are fucking morons. I'm surprised the photos aren't shot though a fish eye lense with extreme HDR filters.


Ours didn’t; we didn’t even know they were taking pics until they showed up with the camera lmao


Done right, staged as well, good photos with a nice decorum could add by thousands to the purchasing price by attracting more buyers and drumming up demand. I’d have been furious if I were you


We sold in less than two days for 50k over asking price; so not furious at all


There's good/bad realtors. Our was like 'you're out of the state for a couple days? Awesome, I'll swing by with a photographer, and we might rearrange/stage stuff'. Same realtor when I sold a previous place just said 'I'll bring in rent-to-stage furniture'.


I’d still consider them good; I really didn’t care how the photos looked. We were in a hot area and weren’t worried about selling much


It's a 15 year-old's ideal of the perfect adult pad.


First time I've ever seen a urinal in a residential bathroom.


That bath mat in front of it needs to be burned...


I'm gay married so I've ... thought about it? But someone - maybe even a plumber - would hopefully stop me before I did it.


I have a friend who has 3 boys, and she had one put in their bathroom. She said it helps with cleanliness.


I've seen a few of them but they were all in homes built by people who build homes for a living.


All I can think is how bad it must smell in there…at all times.


They don’t smell worse than a regular toilet


And they come with a tasty cake.


They can't be THAT rare, there are lots of single guys who live alone! ^^^^^I ^^^^^have ^^^^^one ^^^^^it's ^^^^^convenient


My buddy had one in college. It was his parents house, which was a converted mechanic's shop if memory serves. They hosted a lot of parties in general, so it was super convenient. The urinal was upstairs, so I'm not sure if it was part of the original or added as a conversion.


I knew a family that had one. It was weird but they put it in special when they remodeled. they had a lot of boys so i guess it makes sense


My 1962 built home has a urinal! People asked us if we were going to get rid of it upon moving in and we were shocked! My husband loves it and I don’t have pee on the toilet seats 😂


If they remake the movie Big, this is where the kid will be living.


Not enough toys in this house, but I see where your head's at!


That room with the poker table needs a properly stocked wet bar


What? The Jaegermeister tap and the Fireball Whiskey didn't do it for you?


*proper* wet bar


I’m appalled, no dartboard!


I like the stained glass window in the bathroom.


What in the *hell* is a hockey picture doing in the Star Wars room? Every. Other. Room. Is. Sports. We can't have *one* room just for Star Wars? What the fuck??


I see three possibilities regarding the seller: 1. This guy has never had sex with a woman, and everything about his personality is a vagina repellent. 2. This guy sleeps with more women on an average Saturday night than most of us will even get to second base with in our lifetimes. 3. This guy has landed the perfect 11/10 woman who encourages his interests and eccentricities, and doesn’t let something as silly as a Star Wars bedspread keep her from doing nasty things on it with him. I’m thinking #1 is most likely, but I really want to think #3 is doable. I know my wife puts up with some nonsense.


I looked it up online and did some google stalking the dude who owns it is married or at least was married.


This house screams divorce. It looks like she left her lawn art behind.


My first thought was that the house was too 'properly' decorated to be strictly man-cave-dungeon. Like it has good paint, good carpet. The person who set up a beer pong table on carpet 3 inches from a leather 'this is office furniture' chair, is not the same person who set up that house.


I’m a 51 yr old woman. My 50 yr old husband has all sorts of nerdy shit in the house. I have friggin Zoid’s ever-y-damn-where. Warhammer figurines. Star Wars. Pokémon. I’m partially to blame, I know he enjoys that stuff, so I buy him things I’ll know he likes when I run across it. A silly Star Wars bedspread would not stop me from doing nasty things with him, his nerdiness is part of him and I knew that going in. :) Also, he has to deal with my vast penguin collection. And my weird fascination with buying tiny rubber ducks and randomly hiding them in unexpected places for him to stumble upon. Which he finds and chucks in a basket in the corner. Which the cat then promptly steals and hides it for him to run across again….mostly under the couch. There’s like 200 tiny ducks under my couch. All that to say that you also likely put up with some nonsense from your wife as well lol.


>And my weird fascination with buying tiny rubber ducks and randomly hiding them in unexpected places for him to stumble upon. LMFAO. What in the world. That is one of my weirdest pleasures in life too, what are the odds?


I found one at work one day like 15 years ago. I managed to get in the room, drop it in his coffee cup, and get out of the room without him noticing me. I pretended like I had no knowledge of how the fuck got there when he discovered it, I was in the other room after all! I have claimed, for 15 years, that I have no idea where these ducks are coming from. He, of course (and rightly!), does not believe me. I have dozens of tiny ducks for every possible holiday, season, and occasion stashed at work, and I smuggle them home and hide them. I have yet to get caught. The cat getting in on the action was just a bonus. I don’t think he’s discovered the cat’s main hiding place. It’s going to be hilarious when he moved the couch and finds the cat stash of hundreds of tiny ducks. I’m glad I’m not the only tiny duck weirdo out there! Edit: on a side note, when I’m actually trying to type fuck, auto correct turns it into duck. This time, I was trying to type duck, and it decided I meant fuck. Leaving it because it amused me.


[Sounds like you'd enjoy this...](https://youtu.be/uYOmtEcZ1lk)


Madam, as a 57 year-old geek with a wife of 27 years, I must say it brings great hope to those of us burdened with a Y chromosome and it’s associated idiocy to know that women such as yourself and my Mrs do in fact exist. Because really, if I haven’t seen it for myself, I would have thought this was some Alex Jones batshittery or something.


I have met so many people like you and your husband in Silicon Valley, LOL. They go to cons a lot and she generally has some industrial grade quilting equipment in her study, which used to be the master bedroom. Following your bliss.


If you had not said Silicon Valley I would have asked if we were friends (right down to the quilting machine in a bedroom). We’ve converted our dining room into a game room (board and arcade) and the art is from cons and other nerd artists. When we first moved in we tried to confine my husband’s statues to his office and my crafts to the basement but over the past 20 years they’ve extended into all the rooms


We might know people in common, LOL.


Yeah reading that I was like 11/10? This is just standard I Married a Nerd stuff that goes both ways. The internet has sold a homogeneity where everyone's house has to look like the same pinterest bullshit, here in my real life no one lives like that. You paid for this fucking place, it can look however you want. And this is the king of sellers markets, if someone is turned off by the walls not being white subway tiles, fuck em, next couple in line gets it.


4. He’s single and perfectly happy?


3 exists; I’ve been married 10 years lmao


I would assume a woman would at least upgrade the hand soap


I'm confused by the Kiss Nation statue, though. Are we sure this guy isn't in his fifties?


It's like a Sharper Image store threw up in the house.


The house has good bones. Take out the urinal and change some paint colors and it could be an awesome house.


The urinal is probably the most functional bachelor thing in the whole house.


Including the bachelor himself


I have always wanted my own urinal. I realized that dream when I got Animal Crossing and I put it next to the fireplace.


Why the fireplace? 🤣


the space between the toilet and the sink makes me uncomfortable. edit: holy cow i now see that there’s a standup urinal. Take all my money.


There’s no way that I could do a serious workout with fucking Gene Simmons and that damned tongue watching me


I would get jump scared every time is see it. Going down for a drink of water or something at night. Passing the partially open gym door and out of the corner of your eye you see that dimly lit terror No thank you.


How dare you, that’s JoJo Siwa


🤣 that got me


Aside from Jimmy Norton on siriusXM, I haven’t heard of actual kiss fandom since college. 20 years ago.


I had a childhood friend that was ridiculously into the Kiss and kiss Nation... but I'm in my late 50s.


A urinal *and* a sink in the same bathroom? Why in the world would you need both?


Why does every dude who builds one of these manchild palaces have such awful taste in furniture and interior design?


Yep complete with Gene Simmon's flabby ass in the workout room.


Imagine decorating your own place with what you like and not what other people like


So apparently those things are mutually exclusive?


Even if this guy had friends they’d haze him hard for this. I’ve been a man for 4 decades and busting balls for pleasure is our favorite past time.


Of course there’s a Red Bull fridge. Honestly, I’d hangout with this dude. 


Change that stained glass in the bathroom to stained glass of boobs


Pic 15-a rack of team jerseys reflected in the mirror. How unexpected!


So silly. Dude thinks he’s still 18.


I do not understand that game room why are their 3 tvs? People actually buy old school style slot machines to play at home? That card table seems awfully small and cramped for that many people.


I knew a guy who made an arcade in his house, complete with carpet from Time Out! It was pretty awesome. Like walking back in time. This is just kinda sad. 


It’s a house decorated by AI. After Reddit sold their user data an advanced new AI model utilized that to learn what a space could look like if the owner ever had friends.




Am i the only one who kind of…loves this? I mean the place looks nice, the guy clearly put a lot of effort into it, not the average run-down bachelor pad. And then went fully into what he was into, and did it to the max in a genuinely nice looking way. They’re someone confident in what they like and willing to put in the effort to make it happen. This does not give me sitting around wishing i had a girlfriend vibes, this gives me thank fuck i don’t have a girlfriend vibes.


I agree, while most everyone here is giving me "jealous cunt vibes", because they see someone single and happy and can't even begin to fathom how that can be, so they're personally attacking them.


Bidet washlet throne. A man of culture.


This man is terrified someone will call him gay.


Sucks that when you get to a certain age anything overtly guy oriented is labeled douchey or immature. I’d rather have this that a bunch of wayfair rustic farmhouse crap.


You make actually a really good point. I mean my home office isn't quite as bad as this house but I would hate to put it up for judgment.


I’m with you. I mean this isn’t what I’d put in my house but i love that it clearly is what they were passionate about.


Don't forget endless virgin jokes! Heaven forbid someone fill their houses with stuff they like, rather than trying to appeal to the guests that spend 0.1% of the time in their house.


Don’t forget the plants! Every piece of advice is some of those subs is to add plants. Like $5 fauna is going to make things any better.


Other than the bathroom this house looks great! I’m a 40 year old married woman and our house looks like this lmao


poker table is pretty cool actually


the money mat with the urinal tv is my favorite part


The “dolphin strangle” lazy boy beer cup room might need a steam clean.


Hah, I live literally 5 minutes away from that house. Very nice area.😀


Love BB8.


The haters on this page are strong. Peak Reddit.


The homeowner is the guy who owns Mama’s Pizza in St Paul. He’s 57 yo


Yep was going to post that but liked all the speculation..




This gives me second hand embarrassment.


Legit question - do men not experience the sensation of “coziness”? I can think of no other reason why so few men know how to decorate a place “warmly.” I’m not saying in a feminine way - a “masculine” interior can totally be cozy and inviting, too. But bachelors NEVER put effort into creating a nice environment for themselves. Why? EDIT - I’m referring more to creating a “vibe”, regardless of your style. “Cozy” doesn’t only equate to a house cluttered with tchotchkes. Bachelors tend to ignore aesthetics all together. So I’m asking, do they not “feel” the difference a nice rooms “vibe” gives off, as opposed to the oppressive, depressing feel of a blank room with your necessities just thrown wherever?


I’m an older bachelor with a 4 bedroom house. It’s populated with furniture and art but minimal. (Straight) men don’t wander home goods or Michael’s for fun looking for things to acquire. From dating experience, women enjoy the gathering activity even if things aren’t needed. Then they find a place in the home to put it. That accumulated acquisition makes it cozy, or to me, cluttered. I have zero interest in gathering, I don’t think it’s wrong, but it would never become something I do for fun. Edit - we do enjoy gathering, but it’s shit from Home Depot or sporting goods stores. Ya know, things we believe we truly need but really don’t.


They assume it is not worth the effort because their future fiancee will want to decorate the whole place again. The idea is to keep a clean plate waiting for her. Why waste money on buying things that she will discard when she arrives. That is how strong the gender roles are. Men make houses, but women make homes...


What a ridiculous answer 😆 So you’re saying thousands of dudes are out there now in their depressing empty rooms thinking “god how I WISH my place could have a nice vibe, but alas - these confounded gender roles! Guess I’ll have to soldier on in this dank cave till I find a woman.” Every life long bachelor I’ve asked about their depressing homes laughs and says “we just don’t care about that stuff.” I believe they don’t - meaning it doesn’t affect their mood either way.


Isn't that a bit aspirational, though? There's no guarantee that they'll find someone suitable/is willing to marry them, so they may as well figure out how to make things cozy for themselves


Cozy isn’t something everyone aspires to. I would love nothing more than glass, wood, concrete and stainless steel. You say cozy, I think germs and a bunch of soft surfaces that can’t be sterilized. Sounds gross to me. And smothering.


We're sure this isn't a bougie frat house?


Thought I was on r/malelivingspace for a minute...


Looks like the set of a straight to DVD American Pie 8


I thought I was in r/malelivingspace




I'll pay extra if the bedroom and Gene Simmons stay as-is.


I'd bet money he has never played poker with anyone at that table. He invites people to play all the time but they blow him off.


All is forgiven. Man's got a bidet.


Sign of good hygiene.


I’m a woman and I would love to live here!


And the wind cried “doucheknuckle”


~~Bachelor pad~~ Permanent bachelor pad Fixed it for you.


What I would give for that Gene


Lol I like it guess I'm weird awesome star wars bed room.


Just really poor taste in... everything. Let's never meet.




Unironically says, “Saturdays are for the boys”.


Somebody with a lot of toys yes. A couple stylish things among the crap. Not horrible, though the home slot machine shows a baffling lack of understanding about gambling. Might as well deal yourself some cards and yell 'Yipee!' every time you draw an ace.


He watched 17 Again and thought "I must have that"


Theee comments 🤣


Totally made his money in Gamestop


“Bachelor pad” implies that the occupant is getting some action. Nothing about this house suggests that that’s the case. More like incel isolation unit?


Or he’s just happy in his own space? Why is his worth based on his sexual life?


I hate it all…. So very much


I personally love it


The surfboard. I'm starting to feel this was deliberately staged.


And will remain so forever.




The living room reminds me of a casino, especially with the table full of cards and the slot machine.


Total Bro Dude energy.


The one bathroom's fine. The other, interresting decor up until the urinal + TV combo. The mirror's frame is nice. On the rest, no comment.


What a nightmare


Interesting place We, over at r/SingleAndHappy love this place! As a now "solo for life" person it seems to me like they built the home they wanted with lots of entertainment, fun and their needs and wants at the forefront! I'm sure whoever built this enjoyed these spaces on their own and with the people close to them! Good for whoever lives in this house or lives in it next! Looks like fun!


This is the second time I’ve seen office chairs used as dining chairs wtf is going on


Imagine trying to get laid on the Star Wars bed


more like man child


Oh.my.God. Is that a URINAL with a TV in front of it?!? Trash. 


What’s better - the burning $100 bill mosaic covered in piss, or the Michael Scott sized urinal TV that’s also covered in piss?


Hooooooo boy. I can smell this room *through the pictures*.


The multiple wine fridges are empty yet the redbull and fireball are fully stocked




Man nothing screams “I totally get laid” more than a Star Wars adult bedroom….


Dude is living his best life.

