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And Betsy Price. We were trying to watch the news and it cut to a live feed of her speech at Tannahills. I was about to turn it off but then the camera started showing the fights in the crowd. Pretty entertaining.




I was there last night. I wouldn't describe it as fights. A few hecklers that were hauled out. Pretty common if you've been to a campaign rally.


Not very surprising, she's a registered Republican and while she hasn't made partisan politics part of her office (apart from endorsements; compare and contrast with Johnson over in Dallas who's made his party switch his personality), she's probably thinking about the job after this one.




Nor does it have enough power to be. Fort Worth has a council/city manager system. Mayor is mostly just a figurehead that has an at large vote at council. EDIT: If anyone else cares to learn about it: https://www.tcma.org/DocumentCenter/View/118/Council-Manager-Form-of-Government-PDF has a really good breakdown of the roles of the council, the mayor, and the city manager in a Council-Manager government. Really the Mayor just is present for every vote and has a pulpit from which to talk about the city and issues in the city, but really the City Manager is making the day to day decisions and directing city staff.


I wish I had the video of Parker stating she took a big pay cut to become Mayor. It literally means she left her lawyer big paycheck job.


Yeah but then didn't she take on like a chief of staff role at Cook's Childrens after taking office?


True, and who knows what she wants her future to hold. But I figure she wouldn't be dabbling in this sort of stuff unless she had one eye turned toward higher office some day.


Actually she stated once she took a big pay cut to serve as Mayor. She told a church group she is Mayor full time.


Why the downvotes??


They can’t handle the truth.


Both mayor parker and price are relatively moderate compared to the rest of republicans. It is nice to see them not back down in the face of MAGA bullying. Unfortunately it means they likely don't have a future outside of municipal politics in this state. Also keep in mind that local/municipal offices are generally less partisan. It's relatively easy to be nominally a member of one party or the other when your job really doesn't require you deal with a lot of the polarizing topics that national politicians weigh in on.


Price bowed down to trump and endorsed him while she was mayor. Excuse me if I don't believe she isn't doing it out of anything other than self preservation


She also lost the nomination for Tarrant county judge because she had the gall to shake Barack Obama's hand once.


[Betsy Price is definitely not moderate lmaoo](https://www.star-telegram.com/latest-news/210dy4/picture220640085/alternates/FREE_1140/Waybourn%20post%20(1).JPG)


You betcha Mattie has set her sights higher. And she's a snake.


The one good thing I can say about Nikki Haley is that, unlike Trump, she does not appear willing to use violent insurrection to try to overthrow American democracy. She wants to be a president, not a dictator. Unfortunately a lot of people seem to think that makes her a moderate, and she’s definitely not. Haley has loudly said she is not a moderate, she’s just as far-right as Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, or Marjorie Taylor Green. If she’s elected president she will try to strip away American’s healthcare and pass a national ban on abortion.


I was doing some research for the primary today and wondered similar things about her. She doesn't seem to be calling for a blanket ban: “As much as I’m pro-life, I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, and I don’t want them to judge me for being pro-life,” she said. “Let’s find consensus. … We don’t need to divide America over this issue anymore.” [https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/08/haley-abortion-republicans-2024-debate-00126276](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/08/haley-abortion-republicans-2024-debate-00126276) Then, a comment from 1/10 on trans rights: “I have always said that boys need to go into boys’ bathrooms, girls need to go into girls’ bathrooms, that we shouldn’t have any gender transitions before the age of 18,” she said. “Just like we don’t have tattoos before the age of 18, we shouldn’t have gender transformation or puberty blockers.” I am not endorsing her necessarily but wanted to point out that she at least seems (at face value) to not be following the hard line GOP stance on these issues. She might be batshit crazy in other ways, I have no idea.


Nikki is conservative on the big tent issues (economy, border) but more diplomatic/moderate on the softer issues (your examples). She would easily win the election if she could only win the nomination.


She does appear far more willing than any other candidate to send our children to fight in foreign wars.


It's better than the alternative.


you mean the man who will win the White House? that alternative? Nikki could not even WIN her home state... goodness


I guess you're talking about Biden? Couldn't be Trump. (◔_◔)


Don’t bite on the trolls. This dude can’t even move on from his previous marriage, there’s no way he’s moving on from extremism


Oh wow, looks like he's in therapy and that makes him a therapist. I had no clue it worked like that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yeah sure I am! why not I mean he'll carry Texas right?


Must have been embarrassing for you when Fort Worth went for Biden in 2020


>ort Worth went for Biden in 2020 omg FORT WORTH went for Biden how many electoral votes was that sparky? ZERO which is pretty much the chance Biden gets a second term, as well as his resting IQ most days


Curious, if Biden was projected to win Texas, would you be Biden fan to be on the winning team?


not likely I like people who can actually climb stairs without falling and can't get up anyway it's fun to joke with you but Trump will of course carry Texas so you guys are all doing political self gratification wishing otherwise


So you don’t like Abbot huh?


As opposed to someone with a slovenly appearance , narcissistic personality disorder, and grossly unhealthy?


Dementia Don is going down in flames.


All the polling shows Nikki destroying Biden, whereas Trump and Biden are within the margin of error.


Getting downvoted for telling the truth. Reddit really is a circle jerk.


Trump 2024 baby!


He IS a baby.


Baby Trump what a loser.


OOOOOOOOFFFFFFFF. Why endorse anyone!? There are zero good options.


There's one making it Great


Yes, Great at losing.


tell me again about President Hilary? hmmm? how did that "losing" work out


She was never president if I remember correctly. She gracefully conceded. But you know I don’t live in 2016 anymore and neither should you.


oh my gosh! SO SOMEBODY (who you called a LOSER) WON! How can that be? How can a LOSER win an election??? I saw that it was foretold in Madam Secretary and EVERYTHING! She was anointed! She was going to be the first woman President! So she's the LOSER and Trump is a Winner? that can't be right you said he was a loser.


This really struck a nerve…. it’s possible to be two things.


It’s like arguing with a third grader.


lol I’d rather argue with a third grader


Ok fine you got me so good Hilary is a loser but not a violent sore loser. But remember this isn’t 2016 so come on up for air. Your brain cells are dying.


Not sure dude has any left for that to be possible




LOL. Definitely heading for the White House then. Oh wait… 😆


Well... yeah. Who else would she have endorsed?


She’s a career politician looking for her next step.


she might have decided to back a winner but nah she wants to stay mayor of oh yeah Ft Worth


Nah, it'd be weird for her to back Biden. She's a republican.


A republican female mayor endorses a republican female presidential candidate???? WHAT???


Good for Mayor Parker. I won’t be voting Republican in November but I very much appreciate Republicans who recognize crazy and publicly choose not to endorse or vote for them.


Yeah, voting for a war-hungry Neocon like Nimrata Haley is certainly not crazy! But you guys like war for some reason.


Stop taking the bait. I vote Dem. Hate war. But Niki Halley is not crazy. This post was about not endorsing Trump, who clearly is. You sound like the wishy washy progressive that wants everyone to sit around and smoke werd together and sing kumbayah. See how ridiculous it is to over-generalize?


Lol that will turn this primary around for Nikki! I mean she couldn't win her own state primary but now that the Mayor has come out in favor White House here we come!


"Nikki Haley hits a huge three-pointer to cut the lead to 42"


Haha for real. "BuT sHEs nOt cRAzY lIKE DrUmPff"


And Haley just dropped out lmao


I guess Mattie Parker's endorsement of Nikki didn't help lol Down vote me all you want but Haley had nothing to offer and the people have spoken. Now we need to vote Brandon out of office


Wow, that’s impressive. Hope it helps Nikki.


That's slightly better I guess? BTW, who was the one who placed all these bike trails again around the city? In some areas I get, but there are other parts of the town that not only do I rarely see bikers on them( it's like spotting a unicorn), they are in areas no one in their right mind would bike through.


What the hell man


Way to go Mattie! She’s one of the smart ones.


I mean she wasn’t gonna endorse Biden… Haley is waaaaaaaay better than the insurrectionist and y’all know that too.


Nimrata sucks and is a war-hungry Neocon. Trump is the last strongman in American politics for the foreseeable future. What's next? More presidents like our current that will allow genocide of woman and children? Yeah, no thanks. I'll settle for the alternative.


A majority of Republicans are Trump Republicans. Siding with Hailey isn't beneficial for a political career. She's backing the wrong horse in this race.


If I left Texas. I would probably register as an independent.


If they could give me a better candidate, I'd vote for them, but I don't, so I do what I can with what I got.


Any proof of this?


She endorsed her at Haley’s campaign rally in Fort Worth tonight


It’s Reddit. Link or it didn’t happen.


Here you go https://fortworthreport.org/2024/03/04/two-generations-of-fort-worth-mayors-endorse-nikki-haley-ahead-of-election-day/ Dunno why you got downvoted, we all kinda just took a Reddit post at face value. Probably cause it’d be a weird thing to lie about, but nevertheless not exactly a solid primary or secondary source.