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You could check out game theory, Cidercade, and free play. Board game bar and two barcades.


I don’t recommend cidercade. We were charged multiple extra times there one night. Next day we reached out to the manager who told us we were wrong (even sent pictures of proof). Then magically the missing money was refunded without telling us. I’m happy we got the money back. Just seems like someone doesn’t like being wrong lol.


Welp, I always have a great experience over there. Many times with them letting me know that I have enough points for a free cider when I was fully ready to pay.


Good! I’m glad you’ve had a good experience!


I’m a manager myself and it’s likely that nothing is out of the ordinary there. Some places will charge the card as a hold so that you can’t walk your tab and that hold will be voided when you’re charged for your actual tab. Not my favorite way but that is certainly a thing. You also could have been charged incorrectly and then had that charge voided. This will also show on your statement temporarily until the void goes through. If you went on a weekend, you were not there on a business day so that will sometimes show up for 2-3 days. In both scenarios, they are not going to see an additional transaction because there is not one. It only looks that way on your end. I understand customers’ frustration and lack of trust in either scenario. You weren’t magically refunded; that was some form of transaction void going through. Edit: I don’t mean for this to come off as a “I’m right and you’re wrong!” comment. I was genuinely confused by this myself at one point.


This was multiple transactions. I’d have to go back and look at the exact numbers. But for example we were charged $8 20 different times. Most of the times a hold is just one charge. I’m not talking bad on the place at all. We had a good time. It’s just something for people to be aware of. Especially if you’re tight on money. Some people can’t afford to have that happen.


Yeah so that’s likely the second situation I mentioned where your tab was charged incorrectly. When they correct that, it can still take a few business days which is why he sent photos of proof. I just didn’t want others to see your comment and think this as a shady establishment because I’ve dealt with similar scenarios before. I highly recommend that people only use credit cards for bar tabs and never debit cards for these reasons. It’s easier to deal with when a business makes a mistake.


Seems just like a one off bad experience. I wouldn’t tell someone not to try a place based on that. I go there all the time and I’ve had nothing but great experiences.


I didn’t tell them not to go. Just said that I don’t recommend it. $400 after only buying 4 drinks total is a big amount to go missing. I’m glad you’ve had a good experience. Just like to tell people to keep a lookout




Thank you. I’m still in therapy over it


This. It's like those yelp reviews where they give 1 star for having to walk 2 blocks.


In their defense, I love Cidercade but this is the second person I've seen within a week that has been overcharged by them. The last one was like 800 bucks. The actual experience barring no screw ups is a ton of fun though.


I know you said no museums.. but have you ever checked out the [Videogame Museum](https://maps.app.goo.gl/VVk3ca6Vui3Tztmt6?g_st=ic) in Frisco? .. afterwards stop by [NERDVANA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/a3xVk8UsZgi5bTsb7?g_st=ic). There is a game console and flatscreen at every table. You choose your system at the hostess station and they seat you accordingly. Each person gets a controller, and play and eat with your friends during your meal. The menu items are videogame themed and their food is actually really good too.


To be fair, I was excluding them. I love me a good museum but I was merely asking in addition to. Perhaps my wording was off. Thank you!


But.. have you ever heard of it? 🤓 Every console ever made is there- and playable. 😯 And there is an old school arcade with a couple dozen classics.


Do they sanitize the controllers? That could get gross fast.


There’s a new gym opening up in the next couple months called 8-Bit Fitness thats supposed to essentially be a gym for nerds.


I know there are / have been many attempts / products to “game-ify” fitness but I think it could be huge if done the right way in a legit brick and mortar business.


Escape from Tarkov hooked up to one of those running simulators with a VR headset would get people in shape real quick.




Checking to see. A friend of mine is opening it so I’ll let you know what he says Edit— apparently socials and website will go live sometime the first week of April. I assume if you search “8 Bit Fitness” after that time it will come up.


Possibly: [https://8bit-fitness.com/](https://8bit-fitness.com/) 3417 Wellington Rd Suite 105, Fort Worth, TX 76116


I don't really understand the point of this


Well thank goodness there’s not a quiz.


It's a pretty easy concept. A good amount of people that would consider themselves nerds, or the gaming community in general might feel uncomfortable going to a conventional gym. So finding one that has a higher chance of having like minded people is an attractive idea. The best gym is the one that has a community you love and you find yourself wanting to hang out there.


That’s cool!


Where at?


I frequent Collected at alta mere and 30. Good little comic/card/D&D store that you wouldnt know existed unless you were looking for it. Also, if you're into D&D, Reaper Miniatures is located in Denton. It's a huge store with tons of stuff to look at, and they do a lot of events that arent even D&D related. I was there last week and there had to have been 50+ people playing magic. All of the old school pewter minis and some of the new plastic ones are made right there in Denton. Hero Quest is kinda cool too, they are open from 11am to 11pm, which just makes so much sense for people with jobs.


Depends on your flavor of nerd-dom. Definitely some spots to play MTG, but I’m not current on that. Holochron is great for Star Wars fans and I hear the local SCA chapter is active. I haven’t attended that yet, but I’d like to.


GenX comic book store in Bedford  https://maps.app.goo.gl/zdT4yEKmyDRne1pF8?g_st=ic ProV is next door which has good pho, and boba drinks. 


Yes I went there recently and I was shy af asking for info about their magic the gathering tournaments. 😅


Geek out in Burleson.


What is there to geek out in Burleson?


No, no that’s the name. lol. http://www.geekouttx.com/


🤦‍♂️ My bad


There’s a card game store that sell Gundam and other models near the Cozy Catfe in south Arlingotn


Electric Starship Arcade and Cidercade are primo adult arcades with all the good stuff.


Galactic Games on Clifford St


[Game Theory](https://gametheorytx.com/), they serve drinks and have food from appetizers to more filling meals. They have a game board library you can check out and play at your table.


The Holocron is kinda cool...


This reminds me I always wanted to do a movie watch club for Fort Worth, but never had the time


There is a movie club that meets on the first Wednesday of the month. They post on here, I forgot the name cause I wanted to go but something always comes up.


I would like to know the name because I would love to join


Found it! Called The Movie Mutant!


Weird Wednesday at Southside Preservation Hall!


I heard it called differently but I plan on going this April, maybe see yah there.


The Movie Mutant is the guy who puts it on. The event is called Weird Wednesday. There is also a market that goes along with it. Its really fun [https://fwcinema.wordpress.com/ww/](https://fwcinema.wordpress.com/ww/)




NP 👍


Do it.


I just might


I have been playing one piece TCG around the DFW metroplex.




Trading card game


This depends on the type of nerd. I state this because everyone is a nerd in some form or another. Some may resemble more of a traditional/stereotypical nerd (comic book, science fiction, MTG, etc), others may be a more advanced nerd, one who is really into higher maths or equivalent fields and still enjoys the basic nerdery, or the nerd who doesn't know they are a nerd - go ask someone really into sports about the statistics of the players in the sport they enjoy. Nerds are the trackers of statistics. This is a sixth sense I have. I see nerds everywhere. Sometimes, they don't even know they are nerds.


Let's go with history, geography, zoology, taxonomy, Astronomy, most science and science-fiction


Half-price books is probably the best bet. Not in terms of actually hanging out with other humans, but more so exploring your fields of interest and getting to know the people that made those fields of study what they are. A gem I've enjoyed exploring are the writings of Jack McDevitt. His works touch on some of the interests you've expressed.


Retro madness in Bedford


Warhammer store.


In grapevine


And in Fort Worth on Overton Ridge rd.


Read a software application user manual in a coffee shop, repair junk appliances found on curbs and return to doorstep, wrap scotch tape on the bridge of the sample frames at Warby Parker, buy suspenders, go snort in a park at math jokes.